Importance of Yoga In Our Daily Life

Importance Of Yoga

Importance of yoga – The word Yoga declares in our religious books,the Rig Veda. The Vedas were gathered by the books includes mantras, songs that is used by Brahmans. Yoga is an old regulation in India, firstly Yoga was developed by Indus Sarasvati civilization in north India 5,000 years ago.

Importance of Yoga

Yoga keeps our body healthy and reduces mental stress keeps you more active and improves breathing exercises, meditation or pranayama, dhyana, these maintains the body and mind peace and healthy.

Classical Yoga has been discovered by Patanjali,the most famous Yoga scriptures is Bhagavad Gita with the history of 500 B. E. C. The final goal of Yoga is  help to increases the mindpower , knowledge and the mind gets freedom for all desires. Doing Yoga moves from one position to another and these positions are called as Asanas.

Importance of Yoga in Our Daily Life

There is one important and common Asana in Yoga is “Sun Salutation” and commonly called as “Suryanamaskar”, it contains 12 Asanas doing one after the other it maintains good body balance the soul. It was very popular Asana in Yoga and brings importance of yoga in our daily life.

Power of Yoga

Yoga is the way of maintaining our desires, aims in a healthy path in the healthy body, Yoga does not belongs to any religion

  • It reduces respiratory problems
  • Decreases stress and tensions in the body
  • Take out all the negative thoughts from the mind and body
  • Increases personal power
  • It helps for children in maintaining concentration and focus

The word Yoga derives from a Sanskrit language,it is an early Indian language Yoga is extracted by the word ‘yuj’ means to yoke taking together a team of oxen.

Importance of Yoga With Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskara is also called as Sun Salutation, it is a type of common graceful Asana in daily life. Symbolically it refers sun as the soul and origin of life, some of the pandits credits few modern Surya Namaskars in implementation to Tirumalai Krishnamacharya instructions.

Benefits and Guidelines of Surya Namaskar

The following series warm up the daily routine for Surya Namaskar

1.Benefits of Pranamasana yoga

Pranamasana is also called as Prayer pose, it is the beginning pose of Surya Namaskar. In this asana the palms are joining together and standing in the Prayer pose, Pranam it is the word derived from sanskrit and it is know as ‘To pay Respect’ and asana is called as pose

It is a common sign  used in India and many countries and specifies the importance of yoga, it defines to show respect and the way to greet others mainly for guests, seniors and elders. The word in India is usually to greet others is Namaste, the jiva declare to be situated at the heart in middle while doing this we have to exhale breath it is based on Anahata chakra , so that the palms are joined together and touchings the other’s heart while greeting other’s, this sign with hands known as “Pranamasana”.

2.Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana yoga

Hasta Uttanasana is also called as Raised arm pose, and it is one of the asana in Surya Namaskar. While doing this asana we have to repeat the mantra, this Hasta Uttanasana can be done as 2nd and 11th asanas in Surya Namaskar.It improves digestion, it expands muscles and reduces stress.

3.Benefits of Hastapadasana yoga

Hastapadasana is also called as Foot to hand Forward bend pose, it can reduces many of the problems like hair fall, back pain while doing this daily. It strengthens our hands and chest and gives good structure to our body, while doing this we have to exhale and it is based on swadhisthana chakra, it regulates blood circulation in brain.

4.Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana yoga

Ashwa Sanchalanasana is also known as Equestrian pose, this is called Single Leg Extension Pose. This pose helps to gain strengthens the legs and becomes flexible,while doing this we have to inhale and it is based on Ajna Chakra.

This Asana improves flexibility and reduces back pain,it opens the lungs and improves stamina.

5.Benefits of Dandasana/Phalakasanayoga

Dandasana/Phalakasana is also known as Downward-facing dog, in this asana the hands takes carry the entire weight of the body. For beginners is slightly difficult to do this.while doing this we have to exhale and it is based on the Vishuddhi Chakra, it reduces the tummy fat keeps you fit. It helps to reduces stress and mental tensions, pregnant womens avoid doing this asana.

Benefits of Yoga

6.Benefits of Ashtanga Namaskara yoga

Ashtanga Namaskara is also called as Eight-Limbed pose, in this asana the body touches the floor in eight places two toes, two knees,chest and two palms and also head, it strengths chest muscles. In this asana we have to suspend the breath and it is based on Manipura Chakra.

7.Benefits of Bhujangasana yoga

Bhujangasana is also called as Cobra pose, it represented as raised hood in this asana we have to lie on our stomach with support of toes and lifting up the head up. While doing this asana we have to inhale and it is based on Swadhisthana Chakra, it helps for people who is having respiratory problems,improves blood circulation.

8.Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana yoga

Adho Mukha Svanasana is also known as Downward-facing dog, in this asana the hands takes carry the entire weight of the body. For beginners is slightly difficult to do this.while doing this we have to exhale and it is based on the Vishuddhi Chakra, it reduces the tummy fat keeps you fit. It helps to reduces stress and mental tensions, pregnant womens avoid doing this asana.

9.Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana yoga

Ashwa Sanchalanasana is also called as Equestrian pose, it appears as 4th and 9th asana of Surya Namaskar. It improves the quality of the bones, legs and keeps you fit and defines importance of yoga in our daily life.

10.Benefits of Hasta Padasana yoga

Breathing out, bring the left foot forward. Keep the palms on the floor. You may bend the knees, if necessary. Gently straighten the knees and if you can, try and touch your nose to the knees. Keep breathing. Benefits: Tones abdomen, muscles of thighs and legs. Stretches spine and back muscles. Opens the hips and shoulders.

11.Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana yoga

Hasta Uttanasana is also called as Raised arm pose, and it is one of the asana in Surya Namaskar. While doing this asana we have to repeat the mantra, this Hasta Uttanasana can be done as 2nd and 11th asanas in Surya Namaskar. It improves digestion, it expands muscles and reduces stress.

12.Benefits of Pranamasana yoga

Pranamasena is also called as Prayer pose, it is the beginning pose of Surya Namaskar. In this asana the palms are joining together and standing in the Prayer pose, Pranam it is the word derived from sanskrit and it is know as ‘To pay Respect’ and asana is called as pose

It is a common sign  used in India and many countries, it defines to show respect and the way to greet others mainly for guests, seniors and elders. The word in India is usually to greet others is Namaste, the jiva declare to be situated at the heart in middle while doing this we have to exhale breath it is based on Anahata chakra , so that the palms are joined together and touchings the other’s heart while greeting other’s, this sign with hands known as “Pranamasena”.

All these asanas are based on Chakras related to our body

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